Pastor Training School in Collaboration with East Africa Bible College Solid pastoral training is a necessity in Uganda. Pastor Mensa Otabil, and African pastor states, "Only a real pastor and true leader will be looking for ways to train and equip his people to develop their potential." This is the heart for the [...]
Women of Hope
Brett Combs2021-08-08T21:05:14+00:00Raising up Proverbs 31 women through the hope of Jesus Christ. "And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.” Luke 1:45
Empowering Marriages & Families
Brett Combs2021-08-08T20:31:22+00:00Hope Ministries Uganda believes in empowering marriages and families. Too often we see mothers raising children in broken homes with no father figure. God created marriage and He created family. God has called us to help restore the family unit by empowering marriages the way God intended for them to be. Through empowering [...]
Trauma Counseling
Brett Combs2021-08-08T00:00:46+00:00Trauma Healing "When children (and adults) internalize their pain and trauma, they create a block that prevents them from receiving and giving love...We must never forget God perceives them (children) as precious and sees His glory in their potential. We have the honor of extending our love to them as the [...]