God is Able
“And God is able to make all grace [every favor and earthly blessing] come in abundance to you, so that you may always [under all circumstances, regardless of the need] have complete sufficiency in everything [being completely self-sufficient in Him], and have an abundance for every good work and act of charity.” II Corinthians 9:8 AMP
God is able. God keeps reminding me that He says, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Sometimes, the mission at the Land of Living Hope seems impossible.
The stories of trauma and abuse can rip one’s heart out. The needs are great. I can easily get caught up with the needs and can feel overwhelmed. The children are growing. They need uniforms. They need new mattresses. They need new bunk beds. The staff needs salaries. We need seeds to plant the next crop. We need grain for the animals. We need… The list could go on. Then God softly speaks to my heart…”BE STILL. I am the God who provided every need for the Israelites for 40 years as they wandered in the desert. I am the same God who parted the Red Sea. I am the God who heals the sick. I am the God who makes a way where there seems to be no way. BE STILL. I have not left you or forsaken you. These children are mine.” God keeps reminding me that I need not feel anxious over anything. He will give us complete sufficiency in everything. That is His promise through His Word. Today I am sitting and looking back at where God has taken us. He has a powerful testimony through our Seeds of Hope Children! They have gone from sleeping under a tree on the hard ground to sleeping on a bed with sheets and a blanket! They are learning to read and write. They are passing national exams in school and doing what the government said they couldn’t. They are rising up! Praise God! Today I take a deep breath. I know that God is with us, and He is for us. I can choose to be overwhelmed by the need, or I can be overwhelmed by how far God has taken us. I choose to be overwhelmed by the goodness of God! I hope that you enjoy this month’s updates! There is much to praise God for!
God Bless,
Sonya Schweighardt, Executive Director, Hope Ministries Uganda USA
School Updates

This is a picture of our newest Seeds of Hope Children, who just found out they passed the national exams to qualify for secondary school!
The new school term started in February. We have fourteen students who have entered Secondary 2. We are so proud of our Seeds of Hope Children. They continue to work hard and are working towards pursuing their dreams! At the beginning of February, we also received the results of the national exams for our students who completed Primary 7. We are happy to announce that all 17 students qualified for Secondary School!!! We are so thankful for the teaching staff at our Seeds of Hope School, who have worked so hard with our children to help them reach the next level! We still have students who need sponsors to help them through secondary school. If you are interested in helping a secondary student, please visit this link: Sponsor a Secondary Student
Farming and Agriculture
Our First Harvest
We praise God for all He continues to do through our farming and agriculture projects! From our first 35-acre planting of maize and beans, we harvested 15,000 tons of maize and 2 tons of beans. All of the local farmers are having issues with elephants eating crops. The farmers are filing complaints with the government as the government has been promising to fence the Queen Elizabeth National Park. We are preparing for our next planting and hoping to add rice.
We were excited to welcome Chris and Alicia Dunlap, agriculture specialists from the IPHC in Kenya. They gave us very good reports on our agriculture and farming projects! We are so proud of our on-ground team for working so hard!
Smaller Gardens
John is our agriculture specialist. He does a great job incorporating gardening into the Seeds of Hope education. Our children have a special raised bed garden that they created. They recently helped with harvesting tomatoes! Our established vegetable gardens include cabbages, dodo/Sukumawik, eggplants, green pepper, and much more! Our fruit trees are growing well, and we hope to have many fresh fruits in the future!
Our New Tractor
At the end of 2022, we had a matching fund campaign. The government was offering a special deal for one organization in each district. We were blessed to be chosen to purchase a new Kubota tractor at a reduced rate! The tractor has finally made it to Uganda! Pastor Gerald traveled to Kampala to sign the final paperwork. We are hoping to have the tractor delivered this month! Thank you to everyone who participated in this matching fund! This tractor will take our agriculture program to an entirely new level!
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
God has blessed us with a farm! We have so many animals: pigs, goats, ducks, turkeys, doves, guinea pigs, rabbits, and several guard dogs! Everything is multiplying! We will give more updates on our animals in future newsletters! Dennis is the head of our farm animals, and we appreciate the hard work that he is doing! Dennis has plans to start a demonstration pond for the children to learn about Tilapia. We are excited about this new adventure for our children to learn more about fish!
Seeds of Hope
Read the latest news
There is a waiting room at Holmes Regional Medical Center, off to the side of the ER. It is one that a social worker may lead you to and sit with you quietly as you await sickening words seep out of a surgeon’s mouth. It is where the deaths are confirmed.
We are now working on raising support for dormitory number three. We have a matching fund campaign going on right now! A generous donor is willing to match up to $28,500! Will you help us to double this to $57,000?